i am with you always, even to the end of the age. -matthew 28:20

Thursday, December 8, 2011


I'd been crafting my own miracles.
Fitting broken puzzle pieces together,
as best i could.
I'd been running, doing, trying my whole life through,
tredding water and making a way.
The scars to show me just how far i'd come,
because of how far i was coming from.

Until i wandered into the garden,
like my Brother had done before me.
A voice like the autum wind spoke to me,
a rolling tide of tall oak trees,
and He let. this. pass. from. me.

I was begging for a miracle,
something my eyes couldn't look far enough to see.
I was searching for a strand of hope,
something to set my wildfire free.
See i was born with a passion and a need.
I was born a raging fire,
ever waiting for the breeze.

So i set sail on a ship filled with hope and promises,
of which my king provided.
And i trusted the One who met with me,
in the garden.
Who called to me in Egypt.
Who washed my feet.
How many refrences will it take to make you understand?

When i reached land i was greeted there by something i didn't believe,
Something of a hawk with the voice of a lion flapped his wings,
and brought forth the winds of change.
And set my soul on ablaze.

I'm sitting watching a miracle,
as he breathes, and sings, and loves, and lives. 
all for the man who made me.

We fly on that autum wind,
and make our home in those tall oak trees.
We are guided by The Way,
the scars of yesterday have long since vanished.
My eyes are open now, i can see.

Time marches on.

I'm pretty sure this is one of my first posts as a semi-independent adult, so don't think me foolish when i speak from experience...

In my grown up endeavors, i've learned all kinds of fun new phrases. Things like, financial responsibility, car payment, $0 checking balance, time management, deadline, all night-er (no, i was never one to jeopardize sleep for fun, not even in highschool.), career plan, and many, many more. I have screamed, cried (you should all know how opposed to that i am), hit (Chris :) bless his patient heart), hid, and i can only assume a lot of other childish emotional responses appropriate for a mature adult like myself.

There is a point to this, i promise. And it's not to complain about hard college can be. Yes, college is challenging at times, but you know what? Life is hard, i know more than enough real adults with struggles of their own that can attest to that (and kids, for that matter.) If someone mislead you into thinking it would be easy, i'm sorry. Hey, you know where there are a lot of good stories on how hard life can be? The bible. Just sayin' ;]
I know, from experience, how hard it can be to juggle ten things at once. How frustrating and disheartening it is when everything that can go wrong does. And it's almost worse when it's in sequential order, because you didn't sleep last night, and there's no way you're going to tonight. Sometimes there's nothing you can do besides pray, and push through it.

I'm writing today, to remind you, to remind myself, that i don't stop being a christian because "Everything's falling apart!" or "I just can't take it anymore!" Jesus didn't say, "Love your neighbor on a good day" or "Serve others when you have freetime."
He said, "For even I, the Son Of Man, came here not to be served but to serve others..." -Matthew 20:28
You don't think Jesus had a lot going on? What with saving mankind and everything?

I know it isn't always easy, life is hectic and even sad, sometimes. But we cannot forget our brother in the midst of all our anguish, or frustration. We were built for community, with the Father, and with each other. And we are not only called, but expected to love each other at all times. You have no idea what the person next to you might be going through, or how your "Christian behavior" because you're having a bad day, is affirming the non-believer at work, at school, at the store. We are not called to be christians when it's comfortable, when it's convinient, we are called to a Christ-like love AT ALL TIMES.

 "Greater love has no one than this, that he lay down his life for his friends." -John 15:13

"He answered: "'Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your strength and with all your mind'; and, 'Love your neighbor as yourself.'" -Luke 10:27

"For you will be treated as you treat others. The standard you use in judging is the standard by which you will be judged." -Matthew 7:2

My Deepest Treasure...

He heals the broken hearted and binds up their wounds.
-Psalms 147:3
You who are wounded and broken, i speak to you from a place of experience, and a place of healing. Are you feeling shattered? Exhausted? i bring you good news, and hopefully some comfort. Your God, the creator of the universe, is calling to you. He's aching for you. You. his beloved and most treasured child. He's holding you, even when you can't feel Him. And the Master Seamstress has come to put you back together. Except He is not here to, "patch you up," He is here to make you NEW. Open your heart, and more importantly your wounds, to the Lover of your soul. Your Provider. I know it's hard to see it now, but the beauty He is making out of your brokeness right now, is going to be breathtaking. I know, you feel guilty and victimized, and used, but your past has been forgiven, and you are not what you do. You are made perfectly, you are precious, and breathtaking, and DEEPLY treasured. Let Him show you. Let him remind you.